vRealize Orchestrator script for RV tool

-----------------------------Code of Script to Pull Information----------------------------

var i,j, vmName;
var contentMessage,logtxtDisk,logtxtNIC,logtxtNetwork;
content = "VM Name,HostName,Cluster,PowerState,RAM,CPU,Core,IP Address,OS \n";
vdiskcontent = "VM Name,vDisk,Path,Size,DataStore \n";
vNetwork = "VM Name,Type,Port group \n";
logtxtHNetwork = "Hostname,vNic,Driver,Address,DevID,PortID,CDP Info \n";
contentMessage = "Hi Team, <br> <br> PFA VMs report. <br> <br> Thanks<br> Manoj";
for ( i in clustername )
actionResult = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vc.cluster").getAllVMsOfCluster(clustername[i]);
                for ( j in actionResult)
                                vmName = actionResult[j].name;
                                var guest = actionResult[j].runtime;
                                var hostname = guest.host.name;
                                var cluster = (actionResult[j].runtime.host).parent;
                                logtext =  vmName + "," + hostname + "," + cluster.name + "," + actionResult[j].runtime.powerState.value + "," + actionResult[j].config.hardware.memoryMB + "," +  actionResult[j].config.hardware.numCPU + "," + actionResult[j].config.hardware.numCoresPerSocket + "," + actionResult[j].guest.ipAddress + "," + actionResult[j].guest.guestFullName + "\n";
                                content = content +  logtext ;
                                //Get Datastores
                                var datastoresProp = new Properties();
                                var diskSizes = new Array();
                                var devices = actionResult[j].config.hardware.device;
                                var l = 0;
                                for (var k in devices)
                                                if (devices[k] instanceof VcVirtualDisk)
                                                                diskSizes[l++] = devices[k].capacityInKB / 1048576;
                                                                var vmdkSize = devices[k].capacityInKB / 1048576;
                                                                var datastore = devices[k].backing.datastore;
                                                                var vmdkName = devices[k].deviceInfo.label;
                                                                var vmdkFName = devices[k].backing.fileName;
                                                                logtxtDisk = vmName + "," + vmdkName + "," + "," + vmdkFName + "," + vmdkSize + "," + datastore.name + "\n";
                                                                vdiskcontent = vdiskcontent + logtxtDisk;                                           
                                                if ( devices[k] instanceof VcVirtualVmxnet3)
                                                                logtxtNIC = vmName + ",vmxnet3, " + devices[k].backing.deviceName + "\n";
                                                                vNetwork = vNetwork + logtxtNIC;
                                                if ( devices[k] instanceof VcVirtualVmxnet2)
                                                                logtxtNIC = vmName + ",vmxnet2, " + devices[k].backing.deviceName+ "\n";
                                                                vNetwork = vNetwork + logtxtNIC;
                                                if ( devices[k] instanceof VcVirtualPCNet32)
                                                                logtxtNIC = vmName + ",PCNet32, " + devices[k].backing.deviceName+ "\n";
                                                                vNetwork = vNetwork + logtxtNIC;
                                                if ( devices[k] instanceof VcVirtualE1000)
                                                                logtxtNIC = vmName + ",E1000, " + devices[k].backing.deviceName+ "\n";
                                                                vNetwork = vNetwork + logtxtNIC;
/*Start - Code to get DataStore and NAA id */
var vdatastoretxt, hostcount, naaid, hname_ds;
var datastore, datastores;
vdatastoretxt = "DataStore,HostCount,HostName,VM Count,URL,Type,MHA,UUID,NAAID \n";
datastores = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vc.datastore").getAllDatastores();
for each ( datastore in datastores)
                var hosts_ds = datastore.host;
                hname_ds = " ";
                naaid = " ";
                for each (var host_ds in hosts_ds)
                                hname_ds  =  host_ds.key.name + hname_ds;
                if (hosts_ds.length != 0)
                hostname = hosts_ds[0].key;
                for each (var mountedVolume in hostname.configManager.storageSystem.fileSystemVolumeInfo.mountInfo)
                                for each( var volumeExtent in mountedVolume.volume.extent)
                                                                var volumeMountinfo = mountedVolume.mountinfo;
                                                                naaid = volumeExtent.diskName + naaid;
                vdatastoretxt  = vdatastoretxt + datastore.name + "," + hosts_ds.length + "," + hname_ds +  "," + datastore.vm.length + "," + datastore.info.url + "," + datastore.summary.type + "," + datastore.summary.multipleHostAccess + "," + datastore.info.vmfs.uuid + "," + naaid + "\n";
                catch (ex)
                  throw "Error"
/* End - Datastore & NAA id */

/* Start - Code to Pull Portgroup Information */
var pg_hosts,pg_hostname;
var portgroup,portgroups,vmNics,porttxt;
var promiscuous,ftransmit, macchange;
porttxt = "HostName,Portgroup,VLAN ID,vSwitch,Promiscuous,ForgedTransmits,MacChange,Policy \n";
for ( i in clustername )
pg_hosts = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vc.cluster").getAllHostSystemsOfCluster(clustername[i]);
for each(pg_host in pg_hosts)
                pg_hostname = pg_host.name;
                portgroups = pg_host.configManager.networkSystem.networkInfo.portgroup;
                for each (portgroup in portgroups)
                                if(portgroup.spec.policy.security.allowPromiscuous == "TRUE")
                                                promiscuous = "True";
                                                promiscuous = "False";
                                if((portgroup.spec.policy.security.forgedTransmits) = "TRUE")
                                                ftransmit = "True";
                                                ftransmit = "False";
                                if((portgroup.spec.policy.security.macChanges) = "TRUE")
                                                macchng = "True";
                                                macchng = "False";
                                porttxt = porttxt + pg_hostname + "," + portgroup.spec.name + "," + portgroup.spec.vlanId + "," + portgroup.spec.vswitchName + "," + promiscuous + "," + ftransmit + "," + macchng + "," + portgroup.spec.policy.nicTeaming.policy + "\n";
/* End - Code to Pull Portgroup Information */

/* Start - Code to pull Network information of Host */
var txtNetwork = ";";
var nw_hosts,nw_host,pNic,pnicInfos,pnicInfo,nic,network,networks;
for ( i in clustername )
                nw_hosts = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vc.cluster").getAllHostSystemsOfCluster(clustername[i]);
                for each(nw_host in nw_hosts)
                                pNic = nw_host.configManager.networkSystem.networkInfo.pnic;
                                pnicInfos = nw_host.configManager.networkSystem.queryNetworkHint();
                                for each (pnicInfo in pnicInfos)
                                                                for each (nic in pNic)
                                                                                if( nic.device == pnicInfo.device)
                                                                                                networks = pnicInfo.subnet;
                                                                                                for each ( network in networks)
                                                                                                                txtNetwork = network.ipSubnet + "(VLAN:" +  network.vlanId + ")" + txtNetwork;
                                                                                                logtxtHNetwork = logtxtHNetwork + nw_host.name + "," + pnicInfo.device +  "," + nic.driver + "," + pnicInfo.connectedSwitchPort.address +  "," + pnicInfo.connectedSwitchPort.devId + "," + pnicInfo.connectedSwitchPort.portId +  "," + txtNetwork + "\n";
                                                                logtxtHNetwork = logtxtHNetwork + nw_host.name + "," + pnicInfo.device +  ",No Information,No Information,No Information,No Information,No Information \n";
/* End - Code to pull Network information of Host */

var message = new EmailMessage();
// Override default settings if and only if input parameter is set
if ( smtpHost != null && smtpHost.length > 0 ){
    message.smtpHost = smtpHost;
if ( smtpPort != null && smtpPort > 0 ){
    message.smtpPort = smtpPort;
if ( fromName != null && fromName.length > 0){
    message.fromName = fromName;
if ( fromAddress != null && fromAddress.length > 0){
    message.fromAddress = fromAddress;
message.toAddress = toAddress;
message.subject = subject;
message.ccAddress = ccAddress;
message.addMimePart(contentMessage,"text/html; charset=UTF-8");
//Create Attachment
var fileAttachment = new MimeAttachment();
fileAttachment.name = "vmsReport.csv";
fileAttachment.content = content;
message.addMimePart(fileAttachment,"application/zip");// charset=UTF-8");
fileAttachment.name = "vDiskReport.csv";
fileAttachment.content = vdiskcontent;
message.addMimePart(fileAttachment,"application/zip");// charset=UTF-8");
fileAttachment.name = "vNetwork.csv";
fileAttachment.content = vNetwork;
message.addMimePart(fileAttachment,"application/zip");// charset=UTF-8");
fileAttachment.name = "vDatastore.csv";
fileAttachment.content = vdatastoretxt;
message.addMimePart(fileAttachment,"application/zip");// charset=UTF-8");
fileAttachment.name = "vPortgroup.csv";
fileAttachment.content = porttxt;
message.addMimePart(fileAttachment,"application/zip");// charset=UTF-8");
fileAttachment.name = "vHostNetwork.csv";
fileAttachment.content = logtxtHNetwork;
message.addMimePart(fileAttachment,"application/zip");// charset=UTF-8");

System.log( "sending mail to host: " + message.bccAddress + ":" + message.smtpPort + " with user:" + message.username + ", from:" + message.fromAddress + ", to:" + message.toAddress );

-----------------------------------------End of Script Code----------------------------------

Limit of Scripts:
1. Scsi bus sharing
2. RDM Info.

You are welcome to modify the script.

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