Monitor memory usage with Task Manager

The Task Manager window contains eight panes. Above two panes shows the CPU Usage, CPU Usage History overall shows processor performance.

The rest panes deal with memory usage.

·         MEM Usage—It shows the amount of virtual memory is using by your computer.
·         Memory Usage History—It only tracks the size of your virtual memory over time. As name
        suggest past usage of virtual memory by your computer. It only displays the results; it doesn't 
        actually record them anywhere.
·         Physical Memory Total—The total amount of RAM installed on your computer.
·         Physical Memory Available—The amount of RAM available for CPU processes. This number
        will never go to zero because the operating system will swap data to the hard disk as the memory
        fills also know as paging.
·         Physical Memory System Cache—This is the amount of RAM being used by the file cache i.e.
        Space used for open files.
·         Commit Charge Total—It shows the size of virtual memory in use. This is equal to the number
        shown in MEM Usage.
·         Commit Charge Limit—This shows the size of your paging limit. The paging limit is the maximum
        size your virtual memory can be without making changes to its configuration.
·         Commit Charge Peak—It shows the highest amount of virtual memory used since you began
        tracking usage.
·         Kernel Memory Total—The amount of paged and nonpaged memory used by the operating
        system's kernel.
·         Kernel Memory Paged—The amount of space assigned for Swapable Pages.
·         Kernel Memory Nonpaged—This is the amount of RAM dedicated to the operating system's 

Note: Please let me correct if I am wrong anywhere. Comments are appreciated.

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