Run movie or change your administrator password during repairing win xp

U can run many application while repairing ur Windows Xp ex.
1. Can surf internet , watch moves as well etc.

1. Boot from windows xp CD then select Repairing

Setup will star coping files. after that system restart.
2. now system coping ur installation file.
Press "Shift+F10"
it will open cmd.
through cmd u can run Iexplore.exe, windows media player etc.

Note: If your want to change admin password type given command in cmd.

net user administrator password

Script to delete temp file and Prefetch

Open Notepad and Save below code then save it as "del.vbs " and copy the file to startup.

'This Script is used to Deleted Prefetch File
'Created By Manoj Kumar Singh
Dim fso,strEnv
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject
set WshShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
strEnv = wshshell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%")

Block Messenger or gtalk in windows XP

1. Open Local security Setting under Administrative Tool.
2. Right click on IPsecurity Policies on Local computer click on Manage Ip filter List and Filter action.
3. Click on Manage Filter Action Tab and add Action.
******Steps for Action*******
1.Filter Action Wizard - > Name("Block") the Filter Action - > Filter Action General option( Select action whether u want block or permit , as u r blocking the port select "block") -> Finish.
4. Click on Manage Filter List Tab and Add filter.
******Steps to add filter*****
1. Name ("Block") the Ip filter list then click on Add button -> IP Filter wizard -> Source Address (use "My IP address") -> Destination IP address ( Use "Any IP address") -> Select Protocol Type ( Suppose u r going to block messenger port using port no. 5222 then select "TCP" in Protocol) -> specify the IP port ( define here the source port and destination if u want to block trafic from both, source and destination as well) -> Finish.
5. Ok
6. Close Manage Ip filter List and Filter action.
7. Right click on IPsecurity Policies on Local computer and click create ip security policy.
**********Steps to create Policy********
1. Name the Policy -> Uncheck the "Activate the default response rule -> Click on Edit Properties and Finish.
2.Click Add button and follow the screen.
****** Steps as follows ***********
1. Security Rule wizard -> Tunnel End Point (Select this rule doesn;t specify the tunnel) -> select LAN -> Authentication Method ( use default ) -> click "Yes" -> IP Filter List ( Select Filter as name "Block") -> Filter Action ( Select Action as name "Block") -> Finsh.
8. In Right Pane , Now Ur created policy will be displayed. Right click on that and assign the Policy.

Mail server configuration on linux

Software Requirement :
1. Fedora Core 13
2. Mail Server Postfix version 2.7.0
3. Fetchmail version 6.3.17
4. Dovecot Version 1.2.16

Mail server configuration:
Local domain : deepakshionline.local
Register domain :

Postfix Configuration
1. Edit
myhostname = mail.deepakshionline.local
mydomain = deepakshionline.local
myorigin = $mydomain
inet_interfaces = all
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain
mynetworks =,
relay_domains = $mydestination
#configuration for SMTP authentication
relayhost = []
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic
home_mailbox = Maildir/

2. create a file sasl_passwd and enter mail server address username and password then save

3. then open terminal and type

postmap hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
4. Open /etc/postfix/canonical and enter
Note:- It is required so that localuser mail id will change to .com for local user only
5. Open /etc/postfix/generic and enter

Note:- It is required so that localuser mail id will change to .com when mail is delivered to remote users.
6. Open /etc/postfix/virtual manojsingh production
Note: It is required so that if you enter instead of manojsingh@deepakshionline.local delivered to manojsingh locally.
7. Type following command to create hash file.
postmap hash:/etc/postfix/canonical
postmap hash:/etc/postfix/generic
postmap hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
8. Reload postfix using command
postfix reload
Fetchmail configuration 
1. Create a file .fetchmailrc and enter following command to fetch mail from ISP.
set no bouncemail
poll with protocol POP3, with options
localdomains deepakshionline.local
envelope "Envelope-to"
user "" there with password "password" is *
with options rewrite mimedecode fetchall
2. chmod 600 .fetchmailrc
3. Use command "fetchmail" to fetch mail from ISP

Create Users and Permission

1. create user manojsingh then type following command for permission
mkdir /home/manojsingh/Maildir
chown manojsingh:manojsingh /home/manojsingh/Maildir
chmod -R 700 /home/manojsingh/Maildir 
Enable SASLAuthentication
1. service saslauthd start